1/ first understand what is DNS ?
DNS = Domain Name System
In Simple words
Every I.P. Address is connected with a Name called Domain Name ,this Process is called DNS.
for example :
web - http://www.google.com
Domain name - Google
I.P. Address -
Domain Name + IP address = DNS
Use :
• Humans can easily read and remember the Domain Names.
• we use Domains instead of typing I.P address.
2/ In Ethereum Blockchain World we have ENS.
ENS = Ethereum name system.
In Simple words:
A Unique name is connected with a unique Public key,this Process is called ENS.
for Example :
Public key - 0x5b854fc85bb7b2b3bdb78bd8dd85832121bd082c
ENS - king.eth
Public key + a name with .eth extension = ENS
• A wallet address is 42 character long string value.
• All names are ending with .eth extensions
3/ working :
ENS is built on Two 2 smart contracts.
• Registry
• Resolver
1/ Registry smart contract stores all the domains names.
2/ Resolver Smart contract ,which translate the domain names to the machine code and vice versa.